Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Life update 2023

wow surprise surprise. I'm writing again

It has been a wild ride. the last time i posted something here was 2017. It was..... >5 years ago. throughout the years, a lot has changed. Including.... my boyfriend 😂 (which is recently upgraded to a fiancé! hehe)

Banyak benda to update. Mainly for the sake of memories. I have nothing to flex but at the same time super grateful for everything that I've imagined (for the past 5 years) slowly becoming a reality to me. Alhamdulillah

To cut story short, I finished my study in October 2022, graduated in Nov the same year. My graduation day was everything I dreamt about. It was also emotional as I bid goodbye to my friends in medical school. Sad.... I was not anticipating this. 6 years (1 year foundation + 5 years degree) went off too quick. I spent 3 and a half year in Bukit Jalil, 2 years in Seremban and 6 months in Kluang. I made friends, explored new things and learnt a lot definitely. Shoutout to my trio, Una & Teha for making it more memorable. I guess you girls deserve another seperate post. If i rajin la HAHA

with my osce buddies

the cliche 'throwing mortarboard' pose ><

Next, I got engaged. 22 1 23

Please notice the date. I purposely choose that date and lucky enough it was just a day after Sara's engagement. How funny, we ended up tunang one day after another. It was not planned but it was beautifully written, begituuu. My engagement ceremony was small, intimate & simple as how I wanted it to be. My fiancé is someone I am super in love with, caring, responsible & everything I need as a partner. Please make du'a for us, for our journey to marriage to be eased. Ameen

flexing our rings hihi

Lets skip the part of me being unemployed for 5 months! HAHA because honestly, I did nothing other than re-learn my French via duolingo, hanging out with my friends, spending as much time as I have with my family and of course..... qada' my sleep! 

Recently, in April 2023, I got my housemanship placement. This is another experience that I should blogggg. Pendek cerita, it didnt go as planned. But InshaaAllah it is for the best. So I will start working soon! yo girl is a real doctor now..... hihihi wish me luck ok! I'm so excited for this new phase in life. Something I look forward since my teenage age, and now time to hustle & give it my all! 

I guess that's all for now. Till next time!